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dc.contributor.authorSigar, Kenneth Otula
dc.description.abstractSoftware development is now taking shape in most of the organizations. To gain competitive advantage software reuse has become best approach to make it viable. This paper explores and examines the opportunities that can be derived when software reuse as a practice is adopted by companies. It further explains how enterprises can gain competitive edge over others in the same field by adopting and committing to software reuse. In addition to these, this review aims to assess how increased productivity, improved software quality and reduction in all categories of cost can be realized where there are successful software reuse programs. While assessing the benefits of software reuse the paper also brings out facts why software engineering have been majored and centered on the original development of software and also explains why systematic software reuse is used to achieve better software in a more speedy method while incurring lower costen_US
dc.publisherKabarak Universityen_US
dc.subjectSoftware Reuseen_US
dc.subjectSoftware Developmenten_US
dc.subjectcompetitive advantageen_US
dc.titleAssessing Opportunities Of software Reuse for Companiesen_US

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