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dc.contributor.authorMpanga, David
dc.contributor.authorMaghanga, Christopher
dc.contributor.authorKefa, Rabah
dc.descriptionFULL TEXTen_US
dc.description.abstractIncreased demand for efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery has made the implementation of information systems and the demand for access to real time information no longer a requirement unique to private sector or large public sector entities. Local government entities like municipalities are also challenged to provide services with similar efficiency and effectiveness. Successful implementation of an ERP system depend on a number of factors, the framework adopted when implementing the ERP is one of the factors that is critical. Implementing ERP system in local governments in developing countries should also take into account the fact that developing countries lack sufficient technological infrastructure, ERP implementing skills, adequate funds, and have unique political influences unlike developed countries. Cloud ERP provides a platform where local governments in developing countries could successfully implement ERP within prevailing constraints. An exploratory methodology involving focus groups was used to understand the information systems context of municipalities in a developing country, Uganda. Existing ERP implementing frameworks were reviewed, and a conceptual framework to successfully implement a cloud ERP system in a developing country local government is proposed. The understanding of ERP implementing framework/methodology will enable decision makers and ERP vendors reduce on total or partial failure rate of ERP implementation in developing country local governments. Existing ERP implementing frameworks are private sector based,developed countries oriented, based on universal best practice, and vendor specific. The contribution of this research is to the knowledge of implementing ERP in the context of public sector in a developing countryen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Research Funden_US
dc.subjectERP, Cloud ERP, ERP implementing framework, Local government ERP, ERP implementationen_US
dc.titleA Proposed Framework for Implementing Cloud ERP System in a Developing Country Local Government: A Case of Ugandaen_US

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