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dc.contributor.authorKiprono, Bett Benard
dc.contributor.authorNgala, Frederick B. J. A.
dc.contributor.authorChemwei, Bernard
dc.descriptionFULL TEXTen_US
dc.description.abstractIt has been noted that timely coverage of Biology syllabus is lacking in most of the secondary schools in Kenya. The need for timely coverage of secondary school syllabi is crucial in Kenya and the world at large. The study sought to determine influence of teacher related factors on timely coverageof KCSE Biology syllabus in Secondary Schools in Rongai Sub-County, Kenya. The objective of this study is to establish influence of teacher related factorson time of coverage of KCSE Biology syllabus in Secondary Schools in Rongai Sub-County, Kenya. The study adopted survey design. The study was based in Nakuru Rongai Sub-County secondary schools. The target population of this study comprised of 174 Biology teachers across 54 schools in Rongai sub County. Moreover, census method was used to select all the Biology teachers, constituting sample size of 174 teachers. Data was obtained using a questionnaire. The findings revealed that there exist a positive and statistically significant relationship between Teacher Related Factors and Timely Coverage of Biology Syllabus (r=0.608**; p<0.01). It can be concluded that, teacher related factors cause a significant positive variation on timely coverage of Biology Syllabus. Therefore, these factors are central to timely coverage of Biology syllabus. They are worth considering when adequate and timely coverage of Biology syllabus is sought. From the study findings, it can be recommended that teacher related instructional administrators should put factors and specifically selection of appropriate teaching methods, teachers’ workload, teacher availability and time management in place in order to ensure that timely coverage of Biology syllabus is achieved in schools.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Research Funden_US
dc.subjectTimely Coverage, Biology syllabus, Teacher-related factorsen_US
dc.titleInfluence of Teacher-related Factors on Timely Coverage of KCSE Biology Syllabus in Secondary Schools in Rongai Sub-County, Kenyaen_US

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